Sunday, March 29, 2020

Surrounding Myself With Truth

Christian inspired wall art is the "in thing".  You can go to Hobby Lobby or other stores for instance and find inspirational quotes to fill every space on your wall.  Over the years I have been intentional about buying pieces that fortify, encourage and challenge me.  Not to mention, that some of the sweet Truths hanging on my walls have been gifts from precious friends in my life.  I literally have Scriptural Truth everywhere I look in my new home.  It's no coincidence.  I have strategically placed these well, loved pieces exactly where I look - every single day.  As I have walked through the doorway of divorce there are many days that I am fighting to take certain thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).  What is real?  What is not real?  What is true?  What is not true?  As a Believer, my plumb-line isn't my opinion, or my feelings, but only The Word of God. 

In my heartache, turmoil and pain, I cry out to God, "I didn't want this divorce!!!"  "I don't want to be single!!!"  "How did this happen?"  "What could I have done differently?"  "Why wasn't I enough?" (you get the picture, pardon the pun). 

Even as a steeped, God-fearing Child of the Most High God for 38 years I have to fight the fight these questions that assault me, head on with Truth.  It's comforting to see Truth literally in front of me everywhere I turn in my home.  I am at war.  My adversary is the devil.  I am standing.  My security system is Jesus Christ.

Feelings are fickle and the heart is not to be trusted.  The Word of God helps hold me fast.  It's all I have right now.  It's enough. 

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